Goleta Slough SMCA (no-take)

GPS Boundary:

This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within Goleta Slough northward of latitude 34° 25.02′ N.

Permitted/Prohibited Uses:

  • Recreational Fishing:
    • Allowed Species: None
    • Prohibited Species: All
  • Commercial Fishing:
    • Allowed Species: None
    • Prohibited Species: All
  • Other:
    • In waters below the mean high tide line inside the Goleta Slough Ecological Reserve as defined within Section 630, the following restrictions apply:
    • Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited.
    • No person shall enter this area and remain therein except on established trails, paths or other designated areas except department employees or designated employees of Santa Barbara Airport, City of Santa Barbara, Goleta Sanitary District and Goleta Valley Vector Control District for the purposes of carrying out official duties.

Educational Resources:

Effective as of: January 1, 2012

The mission of the California’s Marine Protected Areas Education and Outreach Initiative is to enhance MPA education through enduring partnerships to empower Californians to protect what they know and love.