Bodega Bay – photo copyright Danielle Brown
Bodega Bay is a shallow, rocky inlet of the Pacific Ocean on the coast of northern California, and adjacent to the nearby fishing town of the same name. The most prominent geological feature of Bodega Bay is Bodega Head, a promontory ideal for watching the annual migration of gray and blue whales from January through May.
Interesting Facts:
- Bodega Bay became known around the world as the setting for Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds”.
- The San Andreas Fault, runs right through Bodega Head, a peninsula that forms the protective arm between the ocean and bay.
- Science is fun! Researchers and students have been studying the marine environment at Bodega Head since the 1920s! The UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory offers public tours on Fridays from 2-4 pm – read more here: http://bml.ucdavis.edu/about/visiting-bml/
- Rich in cultural heritage! Coastal Miwok and Pomo Indians lived in Bodega Bay and the surrounding areas until 1775. The ocean provided food for these civilizations year-round and they adopted many different fishing techniques, some of which are still used today!
- For more information, please visit: http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=451