
Cool Stuff is geared towards anyone that enjoys learning about the wonders of the ocean. Here you will find cool facts on MPAs and ocean creatures, fun activities that will have you searching for kelp in your house or listening to marine mammals sing, amazing videos that will bring the wonders of the ocean straight to your computer, and much, much more. We hope that it will appeal to kids, students, and the inner child in all of us.

Fun Activities »

Pass the day away listening to marine mammals talk, find out if you’ve been brushing your teeth with kelp, or see if there’s a great white shark swimming near your local beach!

Did you Know? »

Discover tons of unusu al and little known facts about the ocean and its amazing residents like the largest animal ever to live on Earth, the blue whale!

Visit your local MPAs »

The best way to appreciate the beauty of the ocean is to get out there and see it for yourself. Check out some of these cool MPAs and visit one or all of them soon!

MPA Tours & Geocaches »

Explore California’s Underwater Parks without getting your feet wet through new online tours! The California Google MPA Tours feature detailed descriptions of each of the State and Federal marine protected areas, National Marine Sanctuaries, and National Estuaries, with stunning photos and videos, and links to local “things to do” for your enjoyment and ease of vacation planning.

The mission of the California’s Marine Protected Areas Education and Outreach Initiative is to enhance MPA education through enduring partnerships to empower Californians to protect what they know and love.